Thursday, February 21, 2019

Prevention is Better than Cure

Visiting a dentist even when you do not have a problem is as important as getting a full body checkup done despite being in good health.

The tooth is one of the most important , yet among the most neglected of all the structures in the human body.

Imagine a situation where you are not able to chew efficiently. Let us not look at cracking a walnut or peeling and tearing - off sugarcane with your teeth. Consider you are not able to bite into or chew a banana. Without teeth , one would only be able to mash the banana with one's gums. Edentulous individuals are restricted to consuming soft or mashed foods alone, as the loss of teeth restricts their chewing ability.

Healthy teeth help people relish a variety of foods whether they are sticky, hard, soft, crispy or difficult to chew. Besides chewing, teeth also play a significant role in speech articulation. Without teeth, a person's speech could become muffled or extremely airy. Pronouncing words can become really challenging for people who are completely edentulous.