Monday, July 1, 2024

Dental implant in 5 Days | Best | Dental Clinic Anand City | Gujarat | Immediate loading Dental Implant

With the advancement in implantology, improvised implant techniques and implant system, the field of implantology has gone to next level making the life of patient and dentist easier and simpler. These implants are not only affordable and they also help the patient to receive a full set of fixed new permanent teeth in 3-5 Days. This is called IMMEDIATE LOADING. This is an accepted and well proven technology.


If you have any one of the following :- 

1. Missing teeth either front or back teeth.

2. Difficulty in eating either on right side or left side or both sides. This may be due to

  • Missing teeth which might have been removed before.
  • Badly decayed teeth which can not be saved.
  • Severely mobile teeth which will prevent you from eating on that side.
3. Hesitating to smile confidently in front of others or in social gatherings. This may be due to 
  • Wearing removable denture which naturally give a old man feel to us! The moment we put removable denture inside our mouth, we feel like we are becoming older which is not a good feel!
  • Loose removable dentures which will be loose and uncomfortable. So your concentration will be fully on the removable denture!
  • Badly decayed front teeth or Missing teeth in front region. 
  • Gaps between front teeth...After 40 years the common reason for this is periodontal disease (Gum Weakness)
4. Generalized periodontal problems, leading to mobility of most of the teeth in the jaw. The teeth are not only mobile but they harbour lot of bad micro-organism in the infected gum, which is not good for our general health.

Benefits of Fixed Permanent Teeth in 3 Days:-

1. Implants are placed immediately after extraction. 
2. They can be immediately loaded and that means permanent teeth can be fixed in 3-5 days. 
    (Fixed prosthesis).
3. No need to wait for 3-6 months for osseointegration. The implant heal better, when they are loaded immediately.
4. Even diabetic patient can be benefited from these implants. They are safer for them (But the blood sugar should be under control during the time of implant procedure). can be done in people with weak bone and blood pressure patient.
5. It reduces overall cost when compared to All Four/ Six technique as the work is done in single visit. The permanent crowns are fixed in 3 days.
6. It eliminates the need for bone grafting, in most cases unlike the traditional approaches.
7. Requires minimal recovery time and minimally invasive as we use flapless technique.
8. Relieves many frustrations of removable appliance.
9. It allows easy maintenance through proper oral hygiene.
10. It ensures long-term results with the potential to last a lifetime.

Comparison of different implant treatment techniques

  • Versatility of the implant team is very crucial in implant treatment planning and execution.
  • No single implant procedure is ideal for every clinical situation. Many of the known implant practitioners perform only a single technique for every situation, because they are only familiar to that one technique. They not only promote that technique, they even put down other modalities. This is lack of expertise and knowledge.
  • No technique is superior to any other technique. The fact is that, different techniques and approaches are required for different clinical situations, for the ultimate success of implant.

For more, book your appointment, call on +91 7096532278 and consult with doctor. To now more  about What is Permanent-fixed teeth-in-5days protocol?   For PROTOCOL detail, please visit and click on the attached link. 


Smile Galleria Dental Clinic, 
Shubhlaxami shopping centre, above tirupati courier service, station road, Anand (Gujarat) 388001