Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Little Smiles : Baby Teeth are Something to Smile about!


Smile, grin or put on a happy face! Baby teeth are something to smile about. Your little one is growing up quickly and those baby teeth will be coming into his or her mouth before you know it. Learn why baby teeth are important and be prepared to care for your child’s teeth using the information and tips below.

Q. What Is The Importance of  Milk Teeth (Baby Teeth)?
Ans. As milk teeth erupt, it is a common misconception that they do not matter. But they have important roles such as:
They are essential in the first step of digesting food: chewing, biting and grinding
They improve speech habits and pronunciation
It is the basis for the development of jaw bones and muscles
They create room for permanent teeth to erupt

You may wonder why baby teeth matter since they are going to fall out of the mouth one day. Baby teeth have many important roles in the mouth. Baby teeth help keep the space in the jaws for adult teeth. Your child will lose their first baby tooth around age 6 when the adult teeth begin to come into the mouth. If your child loses a baby tooth too early, talk to your child’s dentist about options to keep the correct space in the mouth for the adult tooth to come in normally.

Q. When Do i first see Baby Teeth ?
Ans. The first baby teeth will break through the gums and into the mouth around 6 months of age. These are usually the front bottom teeth. The last baby teeth to come into the mouth around age 3 are in the very back of the mouth in the upper jaw. At this age, your child will likely have 10 top teeth and 10 bottom teeth.

Q. When Should A Child Start Brushing?
Ans.  As soon as the first tooth erupts but make sure that the amount of toothpaste is not more than a grain of rice.

  • For children younger than age 3, use an amount of toothpaste that is the size of a grain of rice.
  • For children 3 years and older, use a pea-sized amount of toothpaste. Help your child brush their teeth for 2 minutes until you feel sure that your child will brush all sides of their teeth well.

Q.Should Mothers Clean The Mouth Of Babies If There Are No Teeth?
Ans. Yes, it is important to keep the mouth clean. Clean the upper and lower gums with a soft cloth.

Q. What Is The Minimum Age Of Visiting A Dentist?
Ans. One should take their child to the dentist as soon as the first tooth erupts or when your child turns 1.

Our team at Smile Galleria, offer specialized dental care for toddlers, children with baby teeth and kids.

Q. How Long Should A Child Visit A Pediatric Dentist?
Ans. The age ranges from 0-18 years. The time till he/she turns into an adult.

Q. What treatment modalities are offered at Smile Galleria by Pediatric Dentist?
Ans. Pediatric Dentist work towards maintaining good oral health in kids. The treatment provided by them includes:

Examination of infants and teens. It includes the oral caries assessment in mothers and their kids
They are an expert is protecting your kids’ teeth by doing a fluoride treatment
Habit counseling in which the doctors help to keep the habits of kids in control
Treatment of tooth cavities
Treatment of dental injuries


Root Canal Treatment In Milk Teeth
  • If you think your child is too young to need root canal treatment, think again - there is no age limit for this treatment. If his/her primary (baby) teeth have been injured, or if decay has advanced deep into the roots of your child’s teeth, a root canal treatment to stabilize teeth may be needed.
  • Root canal treatment removes the infection from the pulp, the living tissue that is found inside the tooth’s roots. The pulp contains the tooth’s nerves, so tooth pain is often an indication that decay has moved into the pulp.
  • Root canal treatment is a simple procedure wherein instruments are used to clean the root canals of teeth followed by inserting a medication so as to maintain the teeth properly in the oral cavity.
Oral Habits In Children
Some common oral habits seen in children include thumb sucking, mouth breathing, tongue thrusting, lip biting, grinding of teeth and nail-biting. 
Certain reminding appliances called habit breaking appliances assist the child who is willing to quit the habit but is not able to do so as the habit has entered the subconscious level. They may be removable or fixed appliances. 
Common Appliances in Pediatric Dentistry:
Twin Block
Habit Breaking appliances
Space Maintainers
Head Gear
Ask Your Child’s Dentist About Sealants.
Sealant is a special coating that goes into the grooves and pits of your child’s molars (back teeth). Sealants protect against cavities on the biting surfaces of the teeth. If your dentist feels your child is at high risk for cavities, sealants may be put on your child’s back teeth.
Ask Your Child’s Dentist About Fluoride Treatment. 
Fluoride is found in many public water sources and toothpastes, and helps protect teeth from cavities. Your dentist may also recommend fluoride varnish to provide extra cavity protection. Applying fluoride varnish is quick and painless. Your dentist will paint the fluoride treatment (a sticky varnish) on the top and sides of your child’s teeth with a small brush to help prevent cavities. 
For more information Visit the dentist for a checkup. Your dentist can tell you if your child has plaque or cavities, when to expect the next baby teeth to come in, and how to take good care of your child’s teeth.