Smile Galleria is the best dental clinic in "Anand" (milk city) gujarat.Here, at smile galleria we have the most modern diagnostic tools including an in-house OPG (Orthopantomogram) & RVG (Radio visio graphy) machine which will provide you with accurate diagnosis before starting your treatment. (One of the few clinics in "Anand" to provide this facility).
With modern digital X-Ray technology producing a much lower radiation dose per exposure and room is covered with appropriate shielding like protective walls, floors, doors and ceilings to prevent harmful exposure to radiation and for extra protection patient is covered with lead aprons.
To facilitate patients and his comfort, imaging room located within close proximity to treatment rooms will provide quick and easy access for patients, doctors and staff even during treatment.
An OPG machine is specially designed to get high quality full mouth panoramic images of upper and lower jaw bones unlike the traditional x-ray machines that fails to reach the jaw bones.
Facilities :-
- Full mouth digital X-ray
- Bitewing X-ray
- Dent X-ray
- Sinus X-ray
- TMJ (Temparomandibular Joint) X-ray
RVG is a form of digital imaging that uses advanced sensors instead of traditional film. The image captures better details and also gives out lesser radiation as compared to traditional image techniques (x-ray). It provides quick results and helps in early diagnosis without wasting patient's time.
Facilities :-
- Intraoral periapical digital radiograph (chair side)